Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 2- Lumbini on 6th Aug 2013

Lumbini: (Day 2) (7th Aug 2013)

Finally when we arrived at Lumbini Hotel it was 10.30pm. Went to the room took shower and headed for dinner came back and crashed. 

It felt so good to lie down in the bed. The pleasure was Indescribable. When the body is too tired and your back hurts lying down on a soft bed gives so much pleasure and such relief only the person who is in pain can know. Had Sound Sleep.

Got up next day afresh. Was looking forward to the day with Sadhguru at Buddhas Birth Place. Sadhguru came with us in the bus. So humble he is.

We saw Gauthama's birth place.The story is like this "
When the time for the birth grew near, Queen Maya wished to travel from Kapilavatthu, the King’s capital, to her childhood home, Devadaha, to give birth. With the King’s blessings she left Kapilavatthu on a palanquin carried by a thousand courtiers. On the way to Devadaha, the procession passed Lumbini Grove, which was full of blossoming trees. Entranced, the Queen asked her courtiers to stop, and she left the palanquin and entered the grove. As she reached up to touch the blossoms, her son was born. He was born under a tree, but now they have built a walls around it. the picture on the left side is where Buddha was born. and the story says he took seven steps. 
Some monks were reciting chants  under another tree. Our whole group stood their for some time watching them. Then Sadhguru called all of us to head back. 

Strange thing happened with me, one of the monks looked at me and made a hand sign asking me to come around the tree. So  Shakthi (my friend ) and I came around the tree, took one leaf and left

We came back to the Hotel and had our lunch with Sadhguru. 
Went back to the room, took some rest  and packed our bags, there was a knock at the door and Diane announced Sadhguru is leaving to Kathmandu and there's gonna be a meeting. By the time we got ready and about to go to meeting, it got over and he was leaving we went to him and said Bye to him.
Later we left to Kathmandu  at 4pm and we reached Hyatt hotel at 12.45pm. We got the corner most room at the third floor Room No.369. All our baggages reached us safe and I slept tight.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Gorakhpur Airport

Gorakhpur Airport

We landed at Air force Base. 

The Airport was small and our group filled it. We were all waiting for the baggages. Some received their baggages some didn't. Many baggages were supposed to come the next day. Luckily I got one of my bags. 

From there we boarded a bus 

We got off at lumbini in the night after  9hours of travel which was taxing on me as my periods had started. 

Delhi Airport

Delhi Airport

It’s the new airport. I was visiting Delhi almost after a decade. The airport is good but dint like the carpet over there.  I finished my packed  lunch there as I was very hungry and dint eat the pongal that was served to us in the 
Chennai Flight.
We boarded the flight and I was wondering where is Sadhguru and suddenly he comes looks at me, smiles and says u got legs and lungs,huh? I just smiled and watched him take his seat.  ThoughI wanted to say to him “ Sadhguru your legs and lungs are enough for me to carry me through”,But I dint say anything.Its like you forget everything and become No Mind with him around.

The Beginning of the Incredible Journey

Chennai Airport: (Day 1) (6th Aug 2013)

I was so excited from the day I recvd a call from an Insight Volunteer asking me to join Sadhguru on this wonderful Pilgrimage to Shivas Abode for 22days. I had no second thoughts about it. I just wanted to make it and I knew in many ways with Sadhgurus Grace It will happen. But being the way I am ..doubts did arise and fear did knock me many times (what if I am not able to make it.) But Finally that day came 6th Aug 2013. Words cant express what kinda feelings and emotions I was goin through. It was mixed - of excitement, of nervousness, of devotion, So much was goin on in my head until my feet touched the Chennai Airport.

I was holding my breath in The flight to Delhi as I knew I would meet Sadhguru at Delhi Airport.